NIFTY - spot an update

NIFTY (6115) - After seeing the recent movement that is from 5119 to 6142 that to with in 15 trading sessions, naturally everybody searching for the top out number.
but i don't see any particular number for top out.
This top range is 7 years old that is we are seeing this 6000+ range since 2007 on wards.
So now the target and hurdle 6200-6400
In case if real break out happen
then we may see
minimum upside target 7300-7400,
optimum upside target 8100-8300
and Ultimate upside target 10300-10600
If the targets are so high, then we need big confirmation then only we can rely on the break out.
So if break and stays above 6200-6400 only, above mentioned upside targets are possible
(weekly and monthly close are must)
Otherwise this is the top out and/ or may spike and touch 6594 (+/- 1 %)
and from there once again down ward journey going to starts...
and as usual down side targets are 5525-5472, 5225-5175 and 4775-4725