CASTEXTECH (236) - Posted on 25th May and said target and top out 230-240 ,when it was trading at 154 , even though, that time, it came from the low of 40 to 154, that to non-stop, But the top out target attacked yesterday , yesterday it was upper freeze at 236. now the thing is AMTEKAUTO (159) have three listed subsidiary ( holding % in bracket) that includes CASTEXTECH (71%) , JMTAUTO (72%) and METALFORGE (49%) as on 30th June 2015 the followings are the total market capital value and its % holding value of its subsidary CASTEXTECH -- 6569 cr - & 4670 Cr JMTAUTO --- 1270 cr & 914 Cr METALFORG -- 460 cr & 225 Cr so total holding value 5809 Cr. whereas AMTEKAUTO value as on 30th June -- 3507 Cr that means , at present, as on 30th June C...