Different games on different courts
Rajiv Khanna once said about the investment strategy, "It all depends on the underlying market condition. Like in tennis you play different games on different courts — hard court, clay court and lawn, we also study the market situation and pick our stocks accordingly. It can be either a value stock, growth stock, momentum stock or buying based on technicals." He feels the market is the most complex puzzle, "It's not the money, it's the challenge what is exciting. Money is just the outcome. And once you start to understand the game, making money is not difficult," he said.
QTY | NAME | in Cr. |
10208675 | MANAPPURAM | 96 |
238000 | NILKAMAL | 47 |
3354046 | NOCIL | 33 |
426955 | IFBIND | 29 |
636313 | SRIPIPES | 25 |
477986 | RSWM | 20 |
2957280 | DAAWAT | 19 |
267108 | TATAMETALI | 18 |
180878 | TIRUMALCHM | 16 |
274371 | DWARKESH | 12 |
317702 | ASIANTILES | 12 |
620545 | NITINSPIN | 8 |
663151 | NDL | 8 |
146041 |
6 |
333519 | RUCHIRA | 6 |
416460 | NAHARINDUS | 5 |
90890 |
5 |
221616 | ADFFOODS | 4 |
153362 | PPAP | 4 |
108747 | STERTOOLS | 3 |